The All-Encompassing Return of Christ: An Introduction to Amillennialism

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  • The return of Christ is debated in the Christian Church. While orthodox Christians agree Christ will return, the details surrounding his return can be confusing. Differences in the details can often be attributed to differences in biblical presuppositions and interpretative principles. The various views of the end times are categorized based on what one presupposes and how one interprets the one thousand years in chapter twenty of Revelation – the millennium. This book presents amillennialism as the proper understanding of that chapter, but a study of the return of Christ cannot be limited to that chapter of the Bible. Amillennialism understands the end times as an encapsulated event. There are multiple events surrounding the return of Christ, but all occur at or near the return of Christ. An introduction to amillennialism is given while addressing common objections, especially objections from a dispensational perspective.

  • Part 1 - Amillennial Foundation

    Chapter 1 - The Ground Rules

    Chapter 2 - The Last Days and Age to Come

    Chapter 3 - The Kingdom of God

    Part 2 - Amillennial Presentation

    Chapter 4 - The Return of Christ

    Chapter 5 - Satan’s Little Season

    Chapter 6 - Armageddon

    Chapter 7 - The Millennium

    Chapter 8 - The General Resurrection

    Chapter 9 - The Final Judgment

    Chapter 10 - The New Heaven and New Earth

    Chapter 11 - Redemption Complete

    Part 3 - Amillennial Interpretation

    Chapter 12 - The Olivet Discourse

    Chapter 13 - The Seventy Weeks

    Chapter 14 - Ezekiel’s Temple


    Appendix A - End Times Charts

    Appendix B - For Further Study

  • Amillennial (or inaugurated) eschatology strikes a biblical balance between realism and optimism. With clear descriptions, charts, and critiques, Mike Carpenter compares the major eschatological views and demonstrates how amillennialism best harmonizes with covenantal hermeneutics. He then explains the amillennial interpretation of significant scriptural themes such as the last days, the kingdom of God, the one-thousand-year reign of Christ, the battle of Armageddon, and the eternal state. Most importantly, this helpful introduction to amillennialism points the reader to the Christ who reigns in glory over both this age and the age to come.

    Joel R. Beeke, Chancellor and Professor of Homiletics & Systematic Theology, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

    Doctrine is for Joy, Comfort, and Peace! This insightful, informative, and helpful introduction to amillennialism leads the reader not only to a greater understanding of the covenantal hermeneutics involved in Biblical eschatology, but to behold the Risen & Reigning Savior! This book aims to encourage and inform both pastor and pupil. Throughout, Mike’s love for Christ, his affection for Holy Scripture, and his commitment to excellent scholarship provide an engaging presentation of an oft neglected series of joys, comforts, and lasting peace!

    Kevin M. Hass, Founding Pastor, By Grace Community Church (PCA), Yorktown, VA

    Most books on last things are sensational and speculative. Mike Carpenter's book is neither. The All-Encompassing Return of Christ is a clear, simple, and rigorously biblical explanation of what the Bible teaches about the end of the world. Read this book to better understand the end times yourself, or to help others who are uncertain about what they believe. Most importantly, read this book to increase your longing for the all-encompassing return of Christ!

    M. Hopson Boutot, Lead Pastor, Poquoson Baptist Church, Poquoson, VA

    In an age of constant social media speculation and eschatological squabbles, Mike Carpenter's work provides a refreshing overview of the Amillennial perspective. All-Encompassing Return is weighty enough for the pastor who is feeding his flock and growing as a theologian, but accessible enough for the layman who has little familiarity with amillennialism. Mike's story of his transition out of dispensationalism puts the reader at ease and his comprehensive approach to the subject matter leaves them well-learned. Doctrinally strong, understandable, and Christ-exalting—this wonderful resource will have you longing for the return of King Jesus.

    Michael Howard, Pastor, Seaford Baptist Church, Yorktown, VA

    Eschatology and the book of Revelation in particular have always held a unique place in the minds of Christians. Some have had a disproportionate focus on the topic and the book, using it to define their own and others’ theology and a basis for whether to unite with other believers. On the other end of the spectrum are those Christians who avoid the topic as much as possible and are possibly intimidated by the prophetic language and imagery. Mike Carpenter makes a serious contribution to our understanding of eschatology. Whether you agree with his particular interpretation or not you need to read this book for several reasons; one, he provides a model on understanding prophetic and eschatological writings; two, he places eschatology in its proper perspective, not a defining mark of a Christian but nothing to avoid; and three, he writes in plain understandable language accessible to all. Do yourself a favor and read this book.

    Brian Baugus, Associate Professor, Business, Leadership & Management, Regent University

    In a world hurdling headlong into destruction and judgment, Christians are privileged to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, the hope of the gospel is often muddled by bogus interpretations of Christ’s return. Consequently, what ought to be comforting can become confusing and frightening. How refreshing to have a work like Mike Carpenter’s The All-Encompassing Return of Christ. Written from the Reformed perspective, Carpenter’s introduction provides a thoroughgoing, accessible guide to the proper biblical interpretation of eschatological issues. In dialogue with the various understandings of the end times, he cogently makes the case for amillennialism being the most faithful to the biblical witness. Readers are returned again and again to the fact that the sovereignty of Jesus Christ is indisputable and there will be no doubt when the King of Kings and Lord of Lords returns in his all-encompassing triumph!

    The Rev. Dr. T. Scott Landrum, Pastor, St. James Lutheran Church, Sumter, South Carolina, and author of Martin Luther’s Hidden God: Toward a Lutheran Apologetic for the Problem of Evil and Divine Hiddenness

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